package cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.service;

import cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.model.ValidationTask;
import cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.persistence.XMLValidationTaskDao;
import cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.util.HttpSendOutcomeWrapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.rmi.ConnectIOException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.HTTPValidatorWebApp.RUN_SCHEDULE_PROPERTY;
import static cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.controller.AppInfoController.START_TIME_KEY;
import static cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.controller.AppInfoController.TASKS_FAILED_KEY;
import static cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.controller.AppInfoController.TASKS_OK_KEY;
import static cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.controller.AppInfoController.TASKS_TOTAL_KEY;
import static cf.maybelambda.httpvalidator.springboot.controller.AppInfoController.TIME_ELAPSED_KEY;
import static;
import static java.util.Objects.nonNull;
import static javax.swing.text.html.FormSubmitEvent.MethodType.POST;

 * Service for handling validation tasks, executing scheduled validations,
 * and managing validation results.
public class ValidationService {
    public static final String HEADER_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER = "|";
    private final Duration TIMEOUT_SECONDS = Duration.ofSeconds(10);
    private Duration lrTimeElapsed;
    private String lrStartDateTime;
    private int[] lrTaskCounts;
    private HttpClient client;
    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ValidationService.class);

    private EmailNotificationService notificationService;
    private XMLValidationTaskDao taskReader;
    private Environment env;
    private ObjectMapper mapper;

     * Constructor to initialize the HTTP client with default connection-timeout and follow-redirects settings.
    public ValidationService() {
        this.client = HttpClient.newBuilder()

     * Executes validation tasks periodically based on a cron schedule.
     * Retrieves tasks, sends HTTP requests, and processes responses.
     * Sends email notifications for any validation failures and
     * updates information about the last run of validation tasks.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if the data file is not found
     * @throws XMLParseException if there is an error parsing the XML file
     * @throws JsonProcessingException when a validation task contains invalid JSON content
     * @throws ConnectIOException if there is an error sending notification email
     * @throws ExecutionException when an unhandled error occurs while processing the HTTP requests
     * @throws InterruptedException when interrupted before completing all the requests
    @Scheduled(cron = "${" + RUN_SCHEDULE_PROPERTY + "}")
    public void execValidations() throws FileNotFoundException, XMLParseException, JsonProcessingException,
            ConnectIOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        // Record the start date-time of the validation process
        Instant start =;
        String startDT = EventListenerService.getCurrentDateTime();

        List<ValidationTask> tasks = this.taskReader.getAll();
        List<HttpSendOutcomeWrapper> results = this.buildAndExecuteRequests(tasks);
        // Process the results and get the task counts
        int[] taskCounts = this.processRequestResultsAndNotify(tasks, results);

        // Update task counts and timing information of the last run
        this.lrTaskCounts = taskCounts;
        this.lrStartDateTime = startDT;
        this.lrTimeElapsed = Duration.between(start,;

     * Executes HTTP requests asynchronously and stores the resulting responses or exceptions.
     * Builds the requests from the information in the provided tasks.
     * @param tasks the list of validation tasks
     * @return a list of HttpSendOutcomeWrapper objects containing the responses or exceptions
     * @throws ExecutionException when an unhandled error occurs while processing the HTTP requests
     * @throws InterruptedException when interrupted before completing all the requests
     * @throws JsonProcessingException when a validation task contains invalid JSON content
    List<HttpSendOutcomeWrapper> buildAndExecuteRequests(List<ValidationTask> tasks) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, JsonProcessingException {
        // Build HTTP requests from the validation tasks
        List<HttpRequest> reqs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (ValidationTask task : tasks) {
            HttpRequest.Builder req = HttpRequest.newBuilder();
            task.reqHeaders().forEach(h -> req.headers(h.split(Pattern.quote(HEADER_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER))));
            if (POST.equals(task.reqMethod())) {

        List<HttpSendOutcomeWrapper> results = new ArrayList<>(reqs.size());
        IntStream.range(0, reqs.size()).forEach(i -> results.add(null));
        // Send the requests asynchronously and store the responses or exceptions in the results list
        // Use the index of each request to store the corresponding response or exception
        List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = IntStream.range(0, reqs.size())
            .mapToObj(i -> client.sendAsync(reqs.get(i), HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString())
                .thenAccept(res -> results.set(i, new HttpSendOutcomeWrapper(res)))
                .exceptionally(e -> {
                    results.set(i, new HttpSendOutcomeWrapper(e));
                    return null;
        // Wait for all requests to complete
        CompletableFuture.allOf(futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0])).get();

        return results;

     * Processes the results of the HTTP requests, logging the outcomes.
     * Sends notifications if there are any failures.
     * @param tasks the list of validation tasks
     * @param results the list of HttpSendOutcomeWrapper objects containing the responses or exceptions
     * @return an array of task counts, where index 0 is the total tasks, 1 is successful tasks, and 2 is failed tasks
     * @throws ConnectIOException if there is an error sending notification email
    int[] processRequestResultsAndNotify(List<ValidationTask> tasks, List<HttpSendOutcomeWrapper> results) throws ConnectIOException {
        // Initialize task counts: [total tasks, successful tasks, failed tasks]
        int[] taskCounts = new int[3];
        // Set the total number of tasks
        taskCounts[0] = tasks.size();

        // Iterate over the results and register the outcomes in the taskCounts and the log
        List<String[]> failures = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
            ValidationTask task = tasks.get(i);
            HttpSendOutcomeWrapper res = results.get(i);
            String logmsg = "VALIDATION ";
            if (res.isWholeResponse() && task.isValid(res.getStatusCode(), res.getBody())) {
                logmsg += "OK";
            } else {
                failures.add(new String[]{task.reqURL(), String.valueOf(res.getStatusCode()), res.getBody()});
                logmsg += "FAILURE";
   + " for: " + task.reqURL());
        // Send notification if there are any failures
        if (!failures.isEmpty()) {

        return taskCounts;

     * Retrieves information about the last run of validation tasks.
     * @return A map containing start time, time elapsed, total tasks, successful tasks and failed tasks.
    public Map<String, String> getLastRunInfo() {
        Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<>();
        if (nonNull(this.lrTimeElapsed)) {
            res.put(START_TIME_KEY, this.lrStartDateTime);
            res.put(TIME_ELAPSED_KEY, String.valueOf(this.lrTimeElapsed.getSeconds()));
            res.put(TASKS_TOTAL_KEY, String.valueOf(this.lrTaskCounts[0]));
            res.put(TASKS_OK_KEY, String.valueOf(this.lrTaskCounts[1]));
            res.put(TASKS_FAILED_KEY, String.valueOf(this.lrTaskCounts[2]));

        return res;

     * Checks if the configuration is valid by validating the cron expression currently in use.
     * @return true if the configuration is valid, false otherwise
    public boolean isValidConfig() {
        return this.isValidCronExpression(this.env.getProperty(RUN_SCHEDULE_PROPERTY));

     * Validates a given cron expression.
     * @param cronExpr Cron expression to validate
     * @return true if the cron expression is valid, false otherwise
    public boolean isValidCronExpression(String cronExpr) {
        boolean ans = true;
        if (!"-".equals(cronExpr)) {
            try {
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                ans = false;

        return ans;

     * Sets the HTTP client. Used for testing purposes.
     * @param client HTTP client
    void setClient(HttpClient client) { this.client = client; }

     * Sets the email notification service. Used for testing purposes.
     * @param service Email notification service
    void setNotificationService(EmailNotificationService service) { this.notificationService = service; }

     * Sets the validation task reader service. Used for testing purposes.
     * @param taskReader XML validation task DAO
    void setTaskReader(XMLValidationTaskDao taskReader) { this.taskReader = taskReader; }

     * Sets the logger. Used for testing purposes.
     * @param logger Logger
    void setLogger(Logger logger) { ValidationService.logger = logger; }

     * Sets the environment object. Used for testing purposes.
     * @param env Environment
    void setEnv(Environment env) { this.env = env; }

     * Sets the object mapper; for testing purposes.
     * @param mapper The ObjectMapper to set.
    void setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; }