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Docker & Docker Compose


Build image

sudo docker build -t imgName /path/to/dockerfile/dir

Commonly used options

-e VAR=valueSet environment variable.
--expose portNumExpose a container port.
-iInteractive (for shells).
-network="host"Use host network interfaces.
-p hostPort:containerPortMake a container port accessible from a host port.
-rmAutomatically remove the container when it exits.
-u uid:gidRun container as the specified user.
-v /host/vol:/container/volMount a host volume in the container.
-v /target:/dest:ZGrant selinux permission to host dir (target) and contents.

Delete container

sudo docker rm containerId

Delete image

sudo docker rmi imageId

Edit file stored in container volume

Copy it to local machine (current directory) and make changes.

sudo docker cp containerName:/path/to/file.ext .

Move the edited file back to the volume.

sudo docker cp file.ext containerName:/path/to/file.ext

Get installed images

sudo docker images

Get running containers

sudo docker ps

Kill running container

sudo docker kill containerId

Manage Docker as non-root user

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Log out and log back in.

Run image


Start service the first time it is used instead of at boot

sudo systemctl enable docker.socket

Docker compose

Build images defined in yml file

sudo docker-compose build

Option -f /path/to/yml can be used to specify the path to the definition file.

Build images then start services

sudo docker-compose up --build

Get info on running containers

sudo docker-compose ps

Open interactive shell in running container

sudo docker-compose exec -it serviceName bash
  • serviceName has to match the one in docker-compose.yml.
  • Other programs that require an interactive shell can be executed using the same syntax.

Start services in detached mode (bg process)

sudo docker-compose up -d

When using this mode output from containers can be seen by running:

sudo docker-compose logs

Start specific service only

sudo docker-compose up --no-start
sudo docker-compose start serviceName

Stop all running services

sudo docker-compose down