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Encrypt & compress folder

Using 7zip


7zz a bk-"$(date +%d-%m-%y)".7z -mx=9 -mhe=on -pmy_password targetDir

-spf can be used to preserve directory structure in the output when adding individual files.

List archive contents

7zz l bkp.7z

Restore (extract files with full paths to current directory)

7zz x bkp.7z

Verify archive

7zz t bkp.7z

Using gpgtar

Save dir

gpgtar --encrypt --output bk-"$(date +%d-%m-%y)".tar.gpg -r signingKeyEmail directory

List file contents

gpgtar --list-archive file.tar.gpg | less

Restore (using key in keyring)

gpgtar --decrypt file.tar.gpg

A key pair (private + public) can be imported into the keyring with command: gpg --import private.key.


On older distributions the program is called gpg-zip. The commands above work in the same way with it.

Using openssl

Encrypt compressed directory

tar cf - directory | openssl enc -e -aes256 -pbkdf2 -out bk-"$(date -I)".tar.enc -pass pass:my_password


openssl enc -d -aes256 -pbkdf2 -in dir.tar.enc -out dir.tar -pass pass:my_password

If -pass option is not used the password has to be entered manually when prompted.